CBD College’s OTA Program Launches SOTA

Published - January 9, 2018

OTA Program Ushers In New Club

CBD’s Occupational Therapy Assistant program recently launched the Student Occupational Therapy Association (SOTA). Senior class Cohort 5 and Junior class Cohort 6 are the first members of the club. It is an exciting time for the students since SOTA aims to bring together students from current and past cohorts.   SOTA intends to implement this bond with events covering both the social and professional aspects. As the academic curriculum becomes more challenging, creating a strong community with the cohorts remains important for students.  They can lean on each other for guidance, help and support.

What is SOTA?

SOTA intends to promote Occupational Therapy by encouraging the students to engage in local service and volunteer opportunities. These opportunities can come from the students as they develop better community outreach awareness. Another goal of SOTA is to help develop the leadership skills of the students. Students in these leadership roles have a duty to keep the mission and purpose of SOTA close as they promote the importance of the club.

Opportunities to Grow and Give Back with OT

With the club in full effect, the board has fun events lined up. These events include a weekly fundraiser to help build the club’s funds for future charity events, a collaborative holiday drive with CBD’s student services to collect goods for local charity, and an OTAC speaker to shed light on the benefits of OTAC for the students and future clinicians. OTAC is the state-wide Occupational Therapy Association.

The purpose of the events is to get students active in the occupational therapy community and to network with the greater occupational therapy world. The SOTA board hopes to encourage and inspire their fellow classmates and alumni to create a strong bond, one that will carry over after graduation.


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